Fortified Foods Market Share, Trends, and Growth Reports by 2033

“Global Insight Services company has recently revised its global market reports, now incorporating the most current data for 2024 along with projections extending up to 2033.

Fortified foods are foods that have had nutrients added to them in order to improve their nutritional content. These nutrients can be added in the form of vitamins, minerals, or other substances. Fortified foods are often created in response to specific nutritional deficiencies that are prevalent in a population. For example, foods may be fortified with iron in order to prevent iron deficiency anaemia. Other common fortifications include adding iodine to salt and adding vitamin D to milk.

There are a number of reasons why someone might choose to consume fortified foods. For some people, fortified foods offer a convenient way to increase their intake of certain nutrients. For others, fortified foods may be the only way to obtain certain nutrients, particularly if they have a medical condition that prevents them from absorbing nutrients from food properly. Fortified foods can also be a useful tool for people who are trying to improve their overall nutritional intake.

The nutrients that are added to fortified foods can vary depending on the food and the population that it is being fortified for. However, some of the most common nutrients that are added to fortified foods include vitamins A, C, and D; iron; folic acid; and calcium.

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